The Entrepreneur "Success Formula" Program
The foundation to net over $1 million a year.
How it works
Why it works
Impact on career, health, and romantic relationship
6 things you get in this course
- Should you enroll in this course?
Think About Your Life
Your life can be so much more!
The people that typically take our course are already successful entrepreneurs. Yet they have these same frustrations you may have.
it’s a challenge to crossover to making over $1 million a year. Your company’s profitability and sales growth are not happening as quickly as you like. You feel a lack of control over impacting your business and shaping your destiny …so you can have the Exceptional Life.
It isn’t what you hoped it would be. It’s a “5” or “6”, not the “9” or “10” you always wanted it to be. And you see that your significant other relationship affects your own happiness more than any other external factor.
You may feel the pain from not looking as good as you know you can, from lack of discipline regarding controlling what you eat and consistent exercise.
You’re putting in long hours. You can’t work any harder than you already do. Yet you want even better results, with more control over each area of your life.
The end result ……from all that hard work?
You're living an average life.
But that’s not what you envisioned for yourself. You envision the “Exceptional Life” for you and your family.
And here’s what so many of us do. We unconsciously think things will just “work out.” But that’s not how life works. You have to MAKE THEM work out, by doing something different than you been doing in the past.
If you want the Exceptional Life, you can’t “DO LIFE” like everyone else. It’s pure math.
You know you have it in you …to achieve more. To make seven figures a year.
Imagine the lifestyle, and sense of pride and accomplishment, that would give you.
But how do you achieve that?
It’s achieved by working smarter, not harder.
By living a life of immense intention and clarity, which creates the FOUNDATION to make over $1 million a year. And it only takes 12 minutes a day.
Your goal is to experience an even higher level of success and achievement in each area of your life.
It’s achieved that by applying the central concept of the book Think and Grow Rich.
“What you envision in detail on a daily basis is what shows up in your life”. It’s a proven “Success Formula”. More millionaires and billionaires have been created from this one concept than anything else. A remarkable fact.
Applying this concept in our course is a three-step process. First, you step back and make an assessment of your life. On a scale of 1 to 10, you assess your career, controlling your health and appearance, and the romantic side of your life.
Then the second step. You define, in detail, the person you want to be. And specifically how you’re going to achieve your specific goals …in career, health, and significant other relationship.
Then the final step. First thing each morning, you feed yourself exactly the person you want to be, exactly what you want to accomplish, and precisely how you’re going to achieve your clearly defined goals. That takes 12 minutes a day. After 21 days, the science kicks in. Automatically, without thinking, your everyday actions and ongoing thoughts coalesce around your goals. Your everyday actions and ongoing thoughts begin to reflect the person you want to be and what you want to accomplish.

It’s a radically different approach to creating success and achievement.
Everything else are “strategies.” But you don’t need more success strategies.
What you need is for great strategies to show up in your everyday thoughts and actions. Because, over time, that’s what creates success and achievement in each area of your life. It’s really a very simple, yet profound concept. And it’s the foundational principle of the greatest book on success and achievement ever written.
What you need is for great strategies to show up in your everyday thoughts and actions. Because, over time, that’s what creates success and achievement in each area of your life. It’s really a very simple, yet profound concept. And it’s the foundational principle of the greatest book on success and achievement ever written.
It overrides the antiquated operating system that’s running your life today. That causes 90% of your thoughts to be fear-based, gives you less and 20% control over yourself, and causes you to be “reactive” rather than proactive on your important agenda. By applying the 12 minute a day technique we teach in this course, we overlay a 21st century operating system that gears you to productivity, creativity, and happiness.
Over the last 20 years, there’s been an intense interest in the scientific community as to what separates the mega-achievers from everyone else. And here’s what’s they’ve discovered. The differentiator between the mega-successful and the moderately successful is control of self and focus.
Control of self is your daily actions. Focus is your ongoing thoughts. Exactly the two things that our 12 minute day technique and course affects. So from applying this 12 minute a day technique each morning, you’re simply operating at a higher level. And the result is significantly more CONTROL over your life …in career, health and romantic relationship. All from living a life of immense intention and clarity.

As an entrepreneur, you have 3 challenges. First, taking daily action in the right direction. Spending your time and focus ONLY on what moves the needle. Second, continually evolving your “strategy for success”, so you know what to do …to evolve your company to the next level. And thirdly, intellectually growing on a weekly basis. In key areas you need in order to be successful as an entrepreneur. If you’re not doing that, you’re a closed loop, and you’re not going to make over $1 million a year.

When you understand the science behind this, which is explained fully in this course, you understand why you have more discipline.

The 12 minute a day technique we teach in this course will significantly improve your relationship. Because it impacts your daily thoughts and actions relative to your partner. It happens automatically, without thinking, after 21 days.
The bottom line is it improves YOU as a partner. And if you improve in the relationship, your partner can’t help but respond. And they improve as well. End result, a significantly better relationship. You move your relationship from what may be a “5” or “6” today …to a “9”. So many people who have taken this course have experienced this.
If you don’t have a significant other relationship, our 12 minute day technique influences finding the ideal person to have a relationship with. It gives you clarity of exactly what you’re looking for, how to attract that person, and helps you establish an intelligent plan for finding them. Then that intelligent plan shows up in your everyday thoughts and ongoing actions to bring that person to you.

The 6 Things You Get In This Course
#1 - Our 12 minute a day technique CUSTOMIZED to your life.
This impacts your everyday actions and ongoing thoughts.
#2 - Top Goalsetting system in the world.
It’s built into our 12 minute a day technique. It clearly defines your TOP 3 goals each quarter, along with the WHY behind each goal. That directly affects your motivation. Then the key behaviors associated with each goal, along with weekly tracking. It's strength is its simplicity.
#3 - Personal Growth provided TO YOU-every Monday morning
It’s 1-2 hours of great audio content. In key areas for an entrepreneur-marketing, sales, employee empowerment, and time efficiency. Best of all, you don’t have to go find it. We provide it to you, at 8am each Monday morning. And we teach you how to listen to it, so it takes NO ADDITIONAL TIME out of your busy schedule.
#4 - A way to stimulate your CREATIVITY 2 times a week. Using a simple system.
Using a simple system.
#5 - Daily and weekly TO DO system
That focuses you on your TOP 3 priorities each day and week. End result is you are laser focused daily ONLY on the 2-3 things that move the needle. Then the needle actually moves!
#6 - The 10 lessons you absolutely must know as an entrepreneur… in order to make over $1 million a year
This course represents over 50 years of entrepreneurial experience, that saw many years of netting 6 figures a yr go to netting over 5 million dollars a year. And more importantly, why that happened. Both co-creators of this course have been where you want to go-making over $1 million a year.
The Entrepreneur Success Program is The Key To...
DOUBLING your control of yourself, by applying SCIENCE to your life ...12-minutes a day
FOCUSING automatically, without thinking, every day ONLY on the two – three things that move the needle in your life
Continually EVOLVING your unique STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS, with a proven system
Substantially INCREASING your PERSONAL GROWTH, with content provided every monday morning
Applying the "TOP GOAL SETTING SYSTEM IN THE WORLD" to your precious life
Learning the TOP 10 LESSONS OF BEING A SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS ...that you must know to break the 6-figure ceiling
If you do life like everyone else, you’re not going to get to experience
Your success and achievement in each area of your life is determined by your everyday actions and ongoing thoughts. That’s where the rubber meets the road. So we influence your everyday actions and ongoing thoughts around your goals and the person you want to be.
The best news? It only takes 12 minutes a day. We’re applying science to your life for the first time ever. And that’s why this course works, and materially impacts your life.
Should YOU Take This Course?
You probably have two questions.
First, will it work on me?
And secondly, am I willing to spend 12 minutes a day ….to create an even higher level of success and achievement in my life?
Will it work on me?
Take this question off the table. Of course it will work on you. It’s pure science. And the logic is too persuasive for it not to work. It’s based on the central concept of the greatest selling book on success and achievement ever written – Think and Grow Rich. “What you envision in detail on a daily basis is what shows up in your life.”
This one concept has created more millionaires and billionaires than any other concept on the planet. And this course is recognized as the “Top Practical Application in the world” of this legendary book
Secondly, it applies science to your life. Science profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. You’ve never tried to increase success and achievement in each area of your life by applying science to your life. Yet 20 years of research shows that the differentiator between the mega successful and the moderately successful is Control of Self and Focus. Exactly what this course teaches.
And thirdly, it’s common sense that it will work. Our 12 minute day methodology affects your daily actions and ongoing thoughts. Which ultimately determine your success in career, controlling your health and appearance, and your significant other relationship. The life that evolves for you in each area is simply a reflection of your daily actions and thoughts over time. Common sense!
Are you willing to spend 12 minutes a day?
To create an even higher level of success and achievement in your life. For most people, more success is merely a preference. But for some, it’s an absolute necessity. So as you evaluate doing this course, it really does come really down to one simple question. Is creating the Exceptional life in career, health , and your significant other relationship worth 12 minutes a day? It either is, or it isn’t. If it is, you’re doing this course. The logic is too persuasive not to.
So often, people sleepwalk through life. They hear something that makes sense but they take no action.
This course is a different way of “Doing Life”. A different way of thinking. Don’t let this rare opportunity to materially improve your life pass you by.